Be buoyant and thrive in your workplace

Training that helps reduce psychosocial hazards in the workplace.

We understand the importance of fostering a workplace where employees feel secure, supported, and empowered to perform their best.

Our Psychosocial Safety Training is designed to help organisations create and maintain a culture of psychological safety, where everyone can thrive.

Tell me about Prime Effect’s Be Buoyant program.

The Be Buoyant program is a digital training program developed by learning and development experts, delivered in the engaging style that Prime Effect employ for every program.

Starting with an in-person workshop to take teams through the core principles and establish engagement, we get employees set up on the digital platform in preparation for them to officially start the digital program.

The digital program is run through through the Prime Effect app and consists of seven modules that are self-paced (2.5 hours in total). Businesses can run this as a self-paced program or structure it to suit their organisational requirements.

How is it different?

Everything we do is curated to be fun, engaging and relatable! Be Buoyant is no different. We know that when people enjoy learning and walls are broken down, they’re more likely to experience real behaviour change.

Our elite athletes are integrated into the content, telling their lived experience to explain and complement the theoretical training modules.

What can employers expect?

Our goal is to achieve real change for individuals and therefore workplaces, so that everyone can triumph. Because we have a unique approach to mental fitness, participants love doing our courses - so you can expect your staff to enjoy the learning, to bring about a safer and more resilient work environment.

The program content directly relates to the WHS Psychosocial Hazard legislation, read more about the modules below.

How can you access it?

Be Buoyant offers a convenient solution for workplaces with a fully-importable program that sits neatly into your existing EMS, or hosted on our platform for your teams to access independently.

New Government WHS Code of Conduct

To read more about the Government’s psychosocial hazard reduction legislation, see the below links:

Program details and benefits

  • The Be Buoyant program includes seven modules, with a total duration of 2.5 hours:

    • How to reduce psychological risks

    • Health and wellbeing in the workplace

    • Conflict resolution and managing conflicts

    • Team building and communication

    • Resilience strategies (movement, diet, sleep)

    • Behaviours management

    • Training for leaders

    Organisations can choose how they’d like to implement the program to suit their operational needs.

    The program is cleverly segmented to be used as a continuous tool for individuals to refer to at any time.

  • Combining Be Buoyant with accredited Mental Health Firat Aid training is a comprehensive approach to improving mental health resources in the workplace.

    Ideal for HR teams, managers, leaders and staff in general, this is a nationally accredited course that helps staff become confident to identify and have discussions around mental health.

  • Some workplaces enjoy more face to face support when it comes to mental health related services. We offer a Workplace Wellbeing Series to bolster your training efforts. Workplace training isn’t a cookie cutter approach, we allow for customising and tailoring of a complete package to meet your unique needs.

    Able to be delivered online or face to face, these regular workshops facilitate discussion on workplace wellbeing strategies and coach teams to learn the tools they need to thrive and perform in their roles and as a staff body.


Mental Health First Aid Training


25 Days 25 Plays