Accredited Mental Health First Aid Training

  • youth MHFA

    Youth MHFA

    Developed for adults, to learn how to assist and support young people. Great for teachers, parents, managers and those who work with young people.

  • mhfa adults training

    Standard MHFA

    For adults, to learn how to assist and support other adults. Recommended for individuals who are in people management, leadership or large teams.


Mental Health First Aid® Australia offers a range of comprehensive skills based early-intervention courses. MHFA Australia courses are based on guidelines developed through the expert consensus of people with lived experience of mental health problems and mental health professionals.

Prime Effect has qualified MHFA Australia coaches, including Master Instructor David Shillington, who teach participants about the signs and symptoms of mental health literacy and teach the practical skills needed to support someone experiencing a mental health problem, experiencing a worsening of an existing mental health problem or in a mental health crisis until appropriate professional help is received or the crisis resolves.

MHFA logo

Course outcomes:

INTERVENE EARLY - identify the warning signs of mental health problems in other adults

PROVIDE SKILLS - learn the skills needed to speak openly and accurately about mental health

RESPOND IN A CRISIS - respond across a range of crisis situations where an adult may be at risk of harm, including at the workplace

REDUCE STIGMA - reduce stigma and increase support for those experiencing and living with mental health problems

DAVID SHILLINGTON - Master Mental Health First Aid Australia Instructor

Sign up for MFHA training

We host MHFA courses regularly, for online and face to face formats.

If you’re an individual and you’d like to register your interest - please fill out the form below.

If you would like to discuss training for your workplace, also fill out the form and we will respond as soon as possible.


10-day Mental Wellbeing Kickstarter


Be Buoyant: Resilience Training